Are you a person who likes everything "nice & neat"? well, we need you! The altar care ministry is in need of parishioners to help with weekly care of altar linens, maintaining cleanliness of altar and sacristy, replacement of prayer candles and other similar tasks. These tasks may seem insignificant; however, it is the most special way you can care for our place of worship.
At every Eucharistic Liturgy – our Mass – altar servers or acolytes assist our priests. Do you often think about how you could do the same? Being a “special” assistant – altar server – is not restricted to our youth parishioners. It is open to all ages as long as the individual has received First Communion. It is a fun “job” that offers team building, camaraderie, reverence of heart, and a touch of honor. Come join this “special” ministry!
Extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist offer Jesus christ's body and blood to members of Christ's body- the Church. The consecrated host and wine are offered at every mass and during special Eucharistic celebrations.
Are you considere to be a money saver, good with money, and know how to implement best investments? The finance committee could sure use your talents. Members continually explore methods to increase funds working in collaboration with the stewardship committee. They keep parishioners informed in all financial matters and encourage the assembly to donate monies to support our parish and maintenance of the Church.
Can you give "HOPE" to Our lady of Guadalupe community? When a family experiences death, they go through a difficult and stressful time. the "HOPE" ministry reaches out to those in our parish community who have experienced such a loss, by helping with a reception for family and friends after the funeral. Some of our members prepare sandwiches and desserts; others set up the Lunny Center for the reception and offer the gift of hospitality by serving those who come to celebrate the life of the one who has died. We need Volunteers
Calling all parishioners. Everyone who likes to "meet and greet" and extend sincere friendly smiles. Our lady of Guadalupe Parish. Hospitality Ministers welcome everyone who attends our worship space by ensuring each individual feels included – as a “family member.” Hospitality Ministers also assist with donations during the collection period and invites a family to present the bread and wine along with any donations as the Offertory gifts. Would you like to volunteer?
Calling all men ages 18 years of age and older to join the best team in town! Knights of Columbus/Caballeros De Colon Saint Juan Diego Council 12492 of the Knights of Columbus is comprised of men of the parish from 18 years of age and on up. Knights involve themselves in supporting many activities and projects of the parish by providing both manpower and financial support. The Knights sponsor the annual parish picnic each summer and a traditional parish spaghetti dinner in the fall. They also hold occasional pancake breakfasts on Sunday morning during the year. The Knights meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
Are you ready to become a lector? All you need is the desire and enjoyment to read and proclaim the Word of God comfortably in front of a group. The Word of God has never come into the world without a face. In the record of Scripture, God always chose a person to share and teach His lessons and messages. Lectors or Readers present the human face of God’s revealing Word. As one lector elaborated – “I try to empty myself so I can be open to whatever God wants to communicate through me.” When a lector proclaims the Word of God, the whole Christian assembly sees and hears the human face and “voice” of God. Proclaiming the Word of God is presented reverently, genuinely and with sincerity. A “good rule of thumb” – lectors are asked to arrive 15 minutes before Mass to review the specific readings and prayers. Yes, you will be trained.
Are you looking for an opportunity to spread the Gospel? The Legion of Mary is for you! Each week we join together to pray, study and support each other in the quest for holiness with the help of our spiritual director, Deacon Gabriel Ruiz. Legion members seek to become instruments of the Holy Spirit by responding more fully to Mary’s maternal role in our lives. We participate in various works of evangelization and Catholic action under the direction of our pastor. Visit our weekly meeting to find out more about what membership in the Legion can mean for you.
Do you think that flowers bloom miraculously in our church? When was the last time you played with your creativity by decorating a space for all to see? Here’s your chance. The Liturgical Arts and Environment Ministry members decorate the church and worship space to complement the liturgical calendar and each major liturgical event. Lots of planning, organizing ideas, and teamwork contribute to this ministry’s success. However, new volunteers are always welcome with fresh ideas. Come and join us!
Do you have creative ideas about sacred art and design? Do you know ways to help implement those ideas as we complete our vision for the interior of our new church? If you do, our parish could use those skills in the Liturgical Design and Planning Ministry. With an established Design Vision that reflect our church’s architecture and the rich cultural heritages of our parish, we invite parishioners who can help us direct a plan to fulfill that vision. Please join us if you would like to participate in this ministry!
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!” (Ps 100 : 1 - 2) Are you someone who is musically-inclined? Are you interested in practicing your musical skills such as playing guitar, bass fiddle, ukulele, piano, mandolin, organ, saxophone, and percussions – any musical instrument? The Music Ministry welcomes new members whether you like to sing and/or play an instrument. Our parish needs enthusiastic individuals with voices to ring from the ceilings of our church. “We worship God in music because God is most worthy to be praised.” (Ps 92 : 1 – 4; 95 : 1 – 2; 149; 1 – 3; 150). Make a joyful sound! Saturday 5:30 PM Mass Sunday 9:00 AM Mass Sunday 11:30 AM Hispanic Mass Sunday 5:30 PM Mass
Contact: Eric & Angelina Niessner @ [email protected]
Have you ever gone hungry? Imagine – no food in the pantry – only one meal a day! The Outreach Ministry’s goal is to help feed people who are hungry – in need and less fortunate than most. Along with feeding families, there are many things that occur in our parish that concern “outreach.” Outreach is the coming together of parishioners to help others with their daily life-sustaining needs. Each week, generally on Fridays, groceries are picked up at Carr’s Safeway and brought back to the Lunney Center for sorting and packaging and subsequently delivered to about 22 families. Other charitable tasks include donating bread and fruit on a weekly basis to Clare House. Also, once a month, an evening meal is offered to about 45 people at Clare House. Outreach needs volunteers urgently. Would you please take the time to help with this ministry?
The focus of the Parish Health Ministry Team at Our Lady of Guadalupe is to continue the healing ministry of Jesus by promoting the health and wellness of the entire parish community. Some of the activities we are engaged in include, periodic blood pressure screenings, providing health information to individuals or groups, visiting the sick, and assisting those in need to find appropriate health care. Central to all that we do is our faith and prayer.
At the Vatican II Council (1960’s) the Catholic Bishops restored the catechumenate program which had been developed in the first several centuries in order to prepare adults for entry into the Church. In 1987 the U.S. bishops conference formalized the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults for use in the United States. Using this program, Our Lady of Guadalupe parish provides instruction and sacramental preparation so that adults can join or come into full communion with the Catholic Church. RCIA is addressed to persons who have never been baptized, persons baptized in other Christian churches and to baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist and Confirmation. RCIA participants attend instruction sessions and related liturgical rites from fall to spring. They receive the sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Several parishioners serve as the RCIA team. For more information, contact Vince Fennimore ([email protected], ph 907-242-1391).
Are you a leader? Do you like to organize events? Do you generally plan appointments and scheduling? Being a Sacristan may just be a great way for you to become a steward for God. A Sacristan prepares the vessels and cloths on the credence table and also places the wine and hosts on the gifts table. A Sacristan is a person who generally does not falter under pressure and smoothly adapts to an emergent situation. The ministry consists of individuals who coordinate preparations before Mass with its major role as an assistant and coordinator to the celebrant, deacon and Eucharistic Ministers. Are you that person? Please say YES.
"Are you a hostess with the mostest?” Do you like to meet new friends? Do you like good conversations? Do you enjoy sharing tasty meals with others? Do you have fun trying out cultural foods? Well, here’s an opportunity for you. Our Lady of Guadalupe Social Committee urgently needs and welcomes new members. Throughout the year, this committee hosts receptions for liturgical events. They also organize and plan many parish gatherings such as Easter and Christmas bazaars, hat and fashion shows, and annual garage sale. They further assist other ministries to foster fellowship and good will. Want to have fun plus offer your talent? Please join us
Yes, you have learned that stewardship is a combination of time, talent and treasure. However, are you being a good steward for Jesus Christ? Our role model is and always has been Jesus Christ. We seek to walk in faith – spread the Good News – the Word of God. Members of the Stewardship Committee seek to enhance and foster accountability, communications, development, generosity and self-giving, philanthropy, leadership, discipleship, talent, time and treasure. They aim to develop needed processes that truly “make a difference” in meeting Our Lady of Guadalupe parishioners’ spiritual, educational and social needs. The Stewardship Committee’s journey to successfully “make a difference” needs support and energetic volunteers to mirror the stewardship of Jesus Christ. Are you up for this challenge? Do you want to make a difference? Are you a risk taker? The Committee needs you!
The purpose of this committee is to welcome new parishioners into our parish community. We contact them; provide information about parish ministries, services and social activities; and invite them to participate as fully as possible in parish life. Committee tasks include preparation and mailing of a welcome packet; phone calls to follow up the packets and visits to some of the new parishioners. The committee members respond to questions and refer newcomers to staff, ministry heads or others who have the answers. The committee usually has about five members. We try to reflect the cultural composition of the parish.
This lively group meets each Friday to praise, to pray, to learn and to share about our faith and our Christian life. Members also serve at one mass a month and do other activities together. The group is primarily in Spanish, but other youth are welcome.